Databases for 2080: Workshop Proceedings

Naumann, Databases, Cover



Kai Naumann; Gerald Maier; Brigitte Mathiak; Raja Appuswamy; Florian Hartl; Klaus Rechert; Damir Bulic; Luis Faria; Kuldar Aas; James Doig; Markus Schmalzl; Torbjørn Aasen; Martin Rechtorik; Boris Domajnko; Carl Wilson; Annette Strauch-Davey


Digitalisierung Datenbank Langzeitarchivierung Archiv

Über dieses Buch

Sustainability of data is an aim often neglected if you look at the money and effort invested in digital solutions in research, politics, and industry. In the last 15 years, database technology has continually progressed, performance has scaled and conferences on database technology have flourished. In contrast, there were very few dedicated events on how to secure efficient and effective access to database content for longer periods. It was after a long gap that the “Databases for 2080” workshop of 2021 addressed all aspects of this subject.


  • Preface
    Gerald Maier
  • Scope, content, and advice for readers
  • Introduction
    Kai Naumann
  • Sustainability strategies for digital humanities systems
    Brigitte Mathiak
  • Storing and reviving databases on DNA
    Raja Appuswamy
  • Database preservation for industry customers
    Florian Hartl
  • Emulation options for legacy databases
    Klaus Rechert
  • Database preservation through conversion technology
    Damir Bulic
  • Preservation through standardisation with DBPTK
    Luis Faria
  • E-ARK standardisation efforts for databases
    Kuldar Aas
  • Transfer and Preservation of Databases at the National Archives of Australia
    Problems and Directions
    James Doig
  • A Generalised XML Client for the Bavarian State Archives
    Markus Schmalzl
  • Database ingest and use at public archives with the SIARD format
    Torbjørn Aasen
  • DB archiving and use at Czech authorities
    Martin Rechtorik
  • Database archiving with dbDIPview
    A brief overview
    Boris Domajnko
  • Discussion group (A) on standards, software, deployment
    Kuldar Aas, Carl Wilson
  • Discussion group (B) on strategies, efficiency, documentation
    Kai Naumann, Annette Strauch-Davey
  • Plenary with outcomes of parallel groups, discussion of contentious issues, outlook
  • Optimistic epilogue (seven months later)
    Kai Naumann






13. September 2022



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Dieses Werk steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International.



Databases for 2080: Workshop Proceedings (Vols. 2). (2022). (Vols. 2). regiopen.books.